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Terraform documentation



Name Version
terraform >= 1.0
flux >= 0.20.0
github >= 5.9.0
kubectl >= 1.14.0
time >= 0.9.1
tls 4.0.4


Name Version
http 3.2.1
kubectl 1.14.0
kubernetes 2.18.1
null 3.2.1


Name Source Version
argocd ./modules/services/deployment/argocd n/a
azurite ./modules/services/storage/azurite n/a
certmanager ./modules/networking/cert-manager n/a
coredns ./modules/networking/coredns n/a
dashboard ./modules/monitoring/dashboard n/a
elasticsearch ./modules/services/search/elasticsearch n/a
etcd ./modules/services/configuration/etcd n/a
flux2 ./modules/services/deployment/flux2 n/a
goldilocks ./modules/monitoring/goldilocks n/a
identityserver4 ./modules/services/security/auth/identityserver4-admin n/a
jaeger ./modules/monitoring/tracing/jaeger n/a
kafka ./modules/services/messaging/kafka n/a
keycloak ./modules/services/security/auth/keycloak n/a
linkerd ./modules/networking/linkerd n/a
localstack ./modules/services/cloud/localstack n/a
loki ./modules/monitoring/logging/loki n/a
mariadb ./modules/services/database/rds/mariadb n/a
metrics ./modules/monitoring/metrics/metrics n/a
minio ./modules/services/storage/minio n/a
mongodb ./modules/services/database/nosql/mongodb n/a
mssql ./modules/services/database/rds/sqlserver n/a
mysql ./modules/services/database/rds/mysql n/a
opentelemetry ./modules/monitoring/ingestion/opentelemetry n/a
oraclexe ./modules/services/database/rds/oracle-xe n/a
postgres ./modules/services/database/rds/postgres n/a
prometheus ./modules/monitoring/metrics/prometheus n/a
rabbitmq ./modules/services/messaging/rabbitmq n/a
redis ./modules/services/caching/redis n/a
registry ./modules/services/storage/docker n/a
seq ./modules/monitoring/logging/seq n/a
tempo ./modules/monitoring/tracing/tempo n/a
traefik ./modules/networking/traefik n/a
vault ./modules/services/configuration/vault n/a
versions ./modules/utils/chartversions n/a
vpa ./modules/monitoring/vpa n/a
whoami ./samples/whoami n/a


Name Type
kubectl_manifest.notify_watchers resource
kubernetes_namespace.argocd resource
kubernetes_namespace.azurite resource
kubernetes_namespace.cert-manager resource
kubernetes_namespace.dashboard resource
kubernetes_namespace.docker_registry resource
kubernetes_namespace.elasticsearch resource
kubernetes_namespace.etcd resource
kubernetes_namespace.flux_system resource
kubernetes_namespace.goldilocks resource
kubernetes_namespace.identityserver4 resource
kubernetes_namespace.jaeger resource
kubernetes_namespace.kafka resource
kubernetes_namespace.keycloak resource
kubernetes_namespace.linkerd resource
kubernetes_namespace.localstack resource
kubernetes_namespace.loki resource
kubernetes_namespace.mariadb resource
kubernetes_namespace.minio resource
kubernetes_namespace.mongodb resource
kubernetes_namespace.mssql resource
kubernetes_namespace.mysql resource
kubernetes_namespace.opentelemetry resource resource
kubernetes_namespace.postgres resource
kubernetes_namespace.prometheus resource
kubernetes_namespace.rabbitmq resource
kubernetes_namespace.redis resource
kubernetes_namespace.seq resource
kubernetes_namespace.tempo resource
kubernetes_namespace.traefik resource
kubernetes_namespace.vault resource
kubernetes_namespace.vpa resource
kubernetes_namespace.whoami resource
null_resource.flux_uninstall resource
http_http.manifestfiles data source
kubectl_file_documents.oracle_manifests data source


Name Description Type Default Required
argocd_helm_version Override Helm version of argocd string "" no
argocd_namespace Namespace of argocd string "argocd" no
azurite_namespace Namespace of azurite string "azurite" no
azurite_version Override version of azurite string "latest" no
cert_manager_helm_version Override Helm version of cert-manager string "" no
cert_manager_namespace Namespace of cert-manager string "cert-manager" no
cluster-context-name The kubectl context to use string n/a yes
cluster-type The type of the cluster. Important for Traefik to route traffic correctly string "k3s" no
dashboard_helm_version Override Helm version of dashboard string "" no
dashboard_namespace Namespace of dashboard string "dashboard" no
docker_registry_helm_version Override Helm version of docker-registry string "" no
docker_registry_namespace Namespace of docker-registry string "registryui" no
domain-name The toplevel domain of the cluster string n/a yes
elasticsearch_helm_version Override Helm version of ECK (Elasticsearch Operator) string "" no
elasticsearch_namespace Namespace of elasticsearch string "elasticsearch" no
etcd_helm_version Override Helm version of etcd string "" no
etcd_namespace Namespace of etcd string "etcd" no
expose_azurite Flag to expose azurite externally bool false no
expose_jaeger Flag to expose jaeger externally bool false no
expose_kafka Flag to expose kafka externally bool false no
expose_loki Flag to expose loki externally bool false no
expose_mariadb Flag to expose mariadb externally bool false no
expose_mongodb Flag to expose mongodb externally bool false no
expose_mssql Flag to expose SQL Server externally bool false no
expose_mysql Flag to expose mysql externally bool false no
expose_opentelemetry Flag to expose opentelemetry collector externally bool false no
expose_oracle Flag to expose Oracl XE externally bool false no
expose_postgres Flag to expose postgres externally bool false no
expose_rabbitmq Flag to expose rabbitmq externally bool false no
expose_redis Flag to expose redis externally bool false no
expose_seq Flag to expose seq externally bool false no
fluent_helm_version Override Helm version of fluent-bit string "" no
flux2_github_repository_branch The branch to read configuration from string "master" no
flux2_github_repository_create Create github repo to read configuration from bool true no
flux2_github_repository_name Name of the github repo to create string "k8s-flux-example" no
flux2_github_repository_path The path inside the repo to read configuration string "clusters/k8s-local" no
flux2_github_repository_visibility Visibility of the repository string "private" no
flux2_namespace Namespace of Flux2 string "flux-system" no
goldilocks_helm_version Override Helm version of goldilocks string "" no
goldilocks_namespace Namespace of goldilocks string "goldilocks" no
identityserver4admin_helm_version Override Helm version of Identityserver4 Admin string "" no
identityserver4admin_mssql_helm_version Override Helm version of SQL Server for Identityserver4 Admin string "" no
identityserver4admin_namespace Namespace of Identityserver4 Admin string "identityserver4" no
install_argocd Flag to install argocd bool false no
install_azurite Flag to install azurite bool false no
install_cert_manager Flag to install cert-manager bool true no
install_dashboard Flag to install kubernetes dashboard bool false no
install_docker_registry Flag to install docker-registry bool false no
install_elasticsearch Flag to install elasticsearch bool false no
install_etcd Flag to install etcd bool false no
install_flux2 Flag to install flux2 bool false no
install_goldilocks Flag to install goldilocks bool false no
install_grafana Flag to install grafana bool false no
install_identityserver4admin Flag to install identityserver4-admin bool false no
install_jaeger Flag to install jaeger bool false no
install_kafka Flag to install kafka bool false no
install_keycloak Flag to install keycloak bool false no
install_kibana Flag to install kibana bool false no
install_linkerd Flag to install linkerd bool false no
install_localstack Flag to install localstack bool false no
install_loki Flag to install Loki bool false no
install_mariadb Flag to install mariadb bool false no
install_metrics Flag to install metrics server bool false no
install_minio Flag to install minio bool false no
install_mongodb Flag to install MongoDB bool false no
install_mssql Flag to install SQL Server bool false no
install_mysql Flag to install mysql bool false no
install_opentelemetry Flag to install opentelemetry collector bool false no
install_oracle Flag to install Oracle XE bool false no
install_postgres Flag to install postgres bool false no
install_prometheus Flag to install prometheus bool false no
install_promtail Flag to install promtail bool false no
install_rabbitmq Flag to install rabbitmq bool false no
install_redis Flag to install redis bool false no
install_seq Flag to install seq bool false no
install_tempo Flag to install tempo bool false no
install_traefik Flag to install traefik bool true no
install_vault Flag to install vault bool false no
install_vpa Flag to install vpa bool false no
install_whoami Flag to install whoami bool false no
jaeger_helm_version Override Helm version of jaeger string "" no
jaeger_namespace Namespace of Jaeger string "jaeger" no
kafka_helm_version Override Helm version of kafka strimzi string "" no
kafka_namespace Namespace of kafka string "kafka" no
keycloak_helm_version Override Helm version of keycloak string "" no
keycloak_include_domainrealm Flag to include a default realm bool false no
keycloak_namespace Namespace of keycloak string "keycloak" no
linkerd_helm_version Override Helm version of linkerd string "" no
linkerd_namespace Namespace of linkerd string "linkerd" no
linkerdcrds_helm_version Override Helm version of linkerd-crds string "" no
linkerdjaeger_helm_version Override Helm version of linkerd-jaeger string "" no
linkerdviz_helm_version Override Helm version of linkerd-viz string "" no
loadbalancer-ip The IP of the loadbalancer string "" no
localstack_helm_version Override Helm version of localstack string "" no
localstack_namespace Namespace of localstack string "localstack" no
loki_helm_version Override Helm version of loki string "" no
loki_namespace Namespace of loki string "loki" no
mariadb_helm_version Override Helm version of mariadb string "" no
mariadb_namespace Namespace of mariadb string "mariadb" no
metrics_helm_version Override Helm version of metrics-server string "" no
minio_helm_version Override Helm version of minio string "" no
minio_namespace Namespace of minio string "minio" no
mongodb_helm_version Override Helm version of mongodb string "" no
mongodb_namespace Namespace of mongodb string "mongodb" no
monitoring_backend Default monitoring backend string "grafana" no
mssql_helm_version Override Helm version of SQL Server string "" no
mssql_namespace Namespace of SQL Server string "mssql" no
mysql_helm_version Override Helm version of mysql string "" no
mysql_namespace Namespace of mysql string "mysql" no
node-ips The list of ip's of nodes in the cluster list(any)
opentelemetry_helm_version Override Helm version of opentelemetry collector string "" no
opentelemetry_namespace Namespace of opentelemetry collector string "opentelemetry" no
oracle_namespace Namespace of Oracle XE string "oracle" no
oracle_operator_version Version of the Oracle Operator to use string "0.2.1" no
oracle_xe_version Version of the Oracle XE server to install string "21.3.0-xe" no
postgres_helm_version Override Helm version of postgres string "" no
postgres_namespace Namespace of postgres string "postgres" no
prometheus_helm_version Override Helm version of prometheus string "" no
prometheus_namespace Namespace of prometheus string "prometheus" no
promtail_helm_version Override Helm version of promtail string "" no
rabbitmq_helm_version Override Helm version of rabbitmq string "" no
rabbitmq_namespace Namespace of rabbitmq string "rabbitmq" no
redis_helm_version Override Helm version of redis string "" no
redis_namespace Namespace of redis string "redis" no
seq_helm_version Override Helm version of seq string "" no
seq_namespace Namespace of seq string "seq" no
tempo_helm_version Override Helm version of tempo string "" no
tempo_namespace Namespace of tempo string "tempo" no
traefik_helm_version Override Helm version of traefik string "" no
traefik_namespace Namespace of traefik string "traefik" no
vault_helm_version Override Helm version of vault string "" no
vault_namespace Namespace of vault string "vault" no
vpa_helm_version Override Helm version of vpa string "" no
vpa_namespace Namespace of vpa string "vpa" no
whoami_helm_version Override Helm version of whoami string "" no
whoami_namespace Namespace of whoami string "whoami" no


Name Description
argocd-password ArgoCD Initial Admin password
elastic-password Elasticsearch user
elastic-user Elasticsearch password
etcd-password Etcd Initial Admin password
grafana-password Grafana Admin password
grafana-user Grafana Admin user
helm_versions Chart versions
keycloak-password Keycloak Initial Admin password
mariadb-password MariaDB password
minio-password Minio Initial root password
mongodb-password MongoDB password
mssql-password MSSQL password
mysql-password Mysql password
oracle-password Oracle password
postgres-password Postgres password
redis-password Redis password
vault-password Vault token