K8S Dev Infrastructure
This repository contains a kubernetes dev infrastructure, providing both crosscutting concerns as well as Saas services. This is provided through terraform scripts deploying (mostly) helm charts and custom configuration.
Quick Start
- Install prerequisites
- Install Lens (optionally)
- Prerequisites
- Edit you hosts file: add domain names
- Generate root certificate with mkcert as admin
- Run
- check docker network subnet range (adjust in main.tf -> variable)
- Run local cluster
- cluster k3d with
terraform init + apply
- cluster k3d with
- Deploy services
- Edit the terraform.tfvars to your liking
- Deploy services:
terraform init
+terraform apply
Category | Service | Description |
Networking | traefik | Reverse Proxy |
Networking | linkerd | Service Mesh |
Networking | cert-manager | Certificates |
Monitoring | seq | Logging |
Monitoring | loki | Logging |
Monitoring | jaeger | Tracing |
Monitoring | tempo | Tracing |
Monitoring | prometheus | Metrics |
Monitoring | grafana | Dashboards |
Monitoring | k8s dashboard | Dashboards |
Monitoring | metrics-server | Metrics |
Monitoring | vpa | Autoscaling |
Monitoring | opentelemetry-collector | Telemetry Ingestion |
Saas Cache | redis | Caching |
Saas Cloud | localstack | AWS emulator |
Saas Config | etcd | Key-Value service |
Saas Config | vault | Secrets management |
Saas Database | mongodb | Document database |
Saas Database | mariadb | Relational database |
Saas Database | mysql | Relational database |
Saas Database | oracle | Relational database |
Saas Database | postgres | Relational database |
Saas Database | sqlserver | Relational database |
Saas Deployment | fluxcd | GitOps |
Saas Deployment | argocd | GitOps |
Saas Messaging | kafka | Messaging |
Saas Messaging | rabbitmq | Messaging |
Saas Search | elasticsearch | Search Engine |
Saas Auth | identityserver | IDP |
Saas Auth | keycloak | IDP |
Saas Storage | minio | S3 compatible storage |
Saas Storage | azurite | Azure compatible storage |
Saas Storage | docker-registry | Docker Registry |